Thanks for the work you do. I have 17 electricians to manage in an industrial setting and your publication provides a lot of information that can be passed along to them.
I saw a short video about the 120/240v 3 phase Delta power supply with the High Leg.When I started in the trade it was called a 190 volt high leg, it went on L3 and marked with orange tape.After watching the video I understand now that the high leg voltages have changed and why.It is very elementary, I had just never thought about it. Of course it isn't something you get involved with every day.
A few years ago I installed a 120/240 v Delta system and I installed one three phase panel for all the three phase equipment and a single phase panel for all the 120 volt circuits.Of course the single phase panel was subfeed from the three phase panel not using the high leg. What are your thoughts about an installation like this? DONALD GARLAND October 23 2015, 7:29 am EDT Reply to this comment |