The Sports Phone  


Mike’s Comment: I found out about this neat little phone and ordered one so that I could have an ‘emergency’ phone that I place in my bike pack so that when I go mountain biking I have a method to communicate if I get in an emergency without having to carry the weight of my iPhone. I think that this little phone is perfect for so many different applications and wanted to share this message and offer from the inventor with all of you:


Real Phone Corp Background

By Bob Czajkowski

I am the inventor of the Sports Phone, a truly unique credit card size cell phone. It is exactly the size of a credit card, quarter inch thick, and weighing at less than 3 oz is considered wearable. It is voice driven so most calls can be made or placed in one or two voice commands. Being splash proof, it has been known to be taken into showers. It has a battery cut off switch so can be stored without charging for extended periods of time. Selling for under $50.00, it is intended to be used as a second or back-up phone to a smartphone. It has full incoming messaging and list of stored outgoing messages.


How did Sports Phone come to be?

It is obvious that electronic devices get smaller over time and as technology advances. A few years ago I was working at a company working with Qualcomm on packaging of their advanced cellphone devices. They commented it might be useful for us to think about building an ultra- thin cellphone. After some study, I concluded I could build an ultra-thin credit card size cellphone with unique features which would prove popular as a second phone.

Uses of Sport Phones are many and varied: for safety in glove boxs or given to children (no internet capability); light weight, it is ideal for hiking, cycling, and climbing; durable and splash proof for hunters, hikers. How many smartphones did you drop in water while boating or fishing? If so, you lost over $200.00, why not $50.00? We have a special addition with a beautiful sail boat on the face. Also, some bought several phones to give to visiting guest who do not have or forgot their smartphones.

People’s smartphones have become so important to their personal and business lives and have so much important information stored on them, that having one lost or broken can have a cost far surpassing even the steep replacement price.



—Brian K. I worked as a civilian for the US Army in Germany and traveled often. I purchased a SPORTS PHONE about 6 months ago. My original intent was to simply use the SPORTS PHONE as a weekend phone and to compliment my primary cell phone. However, to my surprise, I began using the SPORTS PHONE more and more and before long I eventually stopped using my smartphone.

—Grant. I lead and active lifestyle land and water sports. Now I can leave my expensive smartphone at home. The Sports Phone easily fits into my inner zip, key or coin pockets of my sports apparel. Rather than risk taking a smartphone or being without a cell phone on a hike, bike trek or marathon, I now have the option of getting a mobile phone designed to be lightweight, yet durable and sealed, water-resistant case ideal for mountain to beach to boat activities.


Ordering Information

Please visit our web site: to learn more, or click on the order button on the front page of the site to get to the order page. You must have a PayPal account or you can establish one from our site. I am extending Free Shipping on all orders placed within 48 hours of receiving this newsletter, please enter in the code word "wow" when purchasing. If your phone already has a SIM card, which is necessary to purchase talk time, it will work in the Sports Phone. Or, you can ask your current provider to add it to your family plan. If you do not have access to a SIM card, you can purchase one on our web site along with the phone.

Robert Czajkowski
Real Phone Corp



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"... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" [Joshua 24:15]
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