Thank You for Your Service

Thank You for Your Service

Veterans Day – Tuesday November 11, 2014




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  • And for all you Vietnam vets thanks for trading your Kool cigarettes in your C-rats for Camels. Will never forget those little favors.

    Michael Grimm Veteran 101st Airborne

    Michael Grimm  December 3 2014, 8:00 pm EST
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  • Thank you, Mike, and Thank You to all those who served. Your sacrifice has not and will not be forgotten.

    John Wolfe, ETC(SW), USN, Retired  November 11 2014, 4:47 am EST
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  • I served during the time frame of Viet Nam, but not there. The Air Force sent me to Northern Greenland instead. I knew men who upon returning home were spat upon and called baby killers in airports. I vowed that nobody would ever do that in my presence without facing my wrath, as the men in uniform would have gotten in serious trouble for reacting from the same military that sent them. I have been to both Iraq and Afghanistan serving those who continue to serve us and ensure that we are still free. I am now in the S. Pacific on another military base serving them yet again. When I come upon a member in uniform I thank them for their service and sacrifice. It still amazes me that they are usually surprised to be recognized. Thank You Mike! I was surprised to see this on your website, it reaffirms my belief that your's is a classy organization. I continue to use your company for CE for that reason. The fact that you continue to thank our Lord and Savior for everything afffirms that I'm dealing with the right organization. We think and believe the same! Thanks! Rick Lewis on the Kwajalein Atoll

    Rick Lewis  November 9 2014, 2:30 am EST
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  • Thank you Mike for the reminder...

    Billy Fedler  November 8 2014, 7:32 pm EST
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  • God bless all of you

    Danny  November 8 2014, 6:17 pm EST
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  • Thank you Mike for posing this.

    Tom  November 8 2014, 3:21 pm EST
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  • Service members sign their papers knowing that they could be put in harm's way for our nation.

    I was awestruck this past week when several FB friends commented that they we unaware of several issues on the ballot. They hadn't bothered to research it before going to vote. We must honor the freedom paid for by precious blood of our service members.

    Take the time to research every ballot in your area and vote. We owe that to our children's and country's future. If you don't vote intelligently you have no right to complain and dishonor the sacrifice of our service members for our freedom.

    Rick McLain  November 8 2014, 2:47 pm EST
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  • From Viet Nam through GWOT service, I thank all brothers and sisters in arms as well as the families that support them.

    Pembroke Williams, LTC, USA retired  November 8 2014, 10:38 am EST
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  • thank you for your service and god bless you and america!!!

    charles rolins USN  November 8 2014, 9:19 am EST
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  • Thanks to all servicemen, and God Bless America.

    Brian Mc Dermott  November 7 2014, 7:53 pm EST
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  • Thank you, Mike.

    Michael Graham, Veteran U.S. Army

    Michael Graham  November 7 2014, 7:12 pm EST
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