Train the Trainer Video Team Member Needed – Become a Movie Star!
If you are an electrical instructor with experience teaching in the electrical trade and have a love of learning and teaching techniques, then you may qualify to become a team member for our Train the Trainer video recording.
The recording is scheduled to take place February 21-23, 2015 in Florida. If selected, your lodging expenses will be covered and you will receive a copy of the finished video. You will be featured on the video as part of a live panel of instructors that will contribute to the discussion and provide feedback and insight to the teaching topics being discussed.
If you are interested, please complete and Email Mike Holt the Following:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Years of teaching experience:
Why you would like to be on the team:
What value would you bring to the team:
Instructor qualifications:
If you’d like to view a video clip from a past recording please feel free to browse all of the clips that the Mike Holt YouTube Channel has to offer. Also be sure to check out our bloopers to get a real feel of what goes on behind the scenes with the video team. |